Wednesday, January 27

Air Hogs, PicooZ Micro & Indoor RC Helicopters

Boys and men tend to love gadgets with remote controls. Radio controlled (RC) toy vehicles might drive across terrain, sail over ponds or even fly indoor and outside. They make great presents for boys of all ages.

Mums are more likely to be concerned with sound practical issues. Will the Christmas gift be too complicated to assemble? Will it actually work? Will it fall apart before new year.

Cars and boats are the traditional toys but are being upstaged by helicopters which fly with remarkable stability and precision. The latest RC toys are slow and steady enough to be flown indoors, ideal for winter gifts.

PicooZ mini RC Helicopters
PicooZ by Silverlit are remote control toys with a fantastic reputation backed up by an impressive list of awards for the product range. Models of PicooZ helicopters are known for offering some of the following features:

•very small,
•precision flyers,
•suitable for indoors.
Parents budgeting for Christmas will be pleased to discover that the exciting radio controlled (RC) helicopters are also not expensive. This article features some of the models available.

Read more at Suite101: Air Hogs, PicooZ Micro & Indoor RC Helicopters: Indoor & Outside Mini Radio Controlled Toys – Fun Gifts for Boys